CR October 16 and 23, 1914 – Asking about getting organized sports started for the youth, basketball included.
CR July 23, 1920 – Newly organized Creston Valley Amateur Athletic Association… and basketball is suggested.
CR November 5, 1920 – (Canyon) The school scholars have been provided with a basketball outfit and are already taking kindly to the game.
CR June 10, 1921 – (Canyon) A meeting was called for Tuesday night at the schoolhouse, under United Farmers auspices, for the purpose of inaugurating basketball for both the boys and girls of the district.
CR February 17, 1922 – Wynndel planning to have basketball during the winter months.
CR March 17, 1922 – (Wynndel) The lady members of the Athletic Club had their first basketball practice on Monday afternoon in the Clubhouse. They had a real good game and there is every indication of them being able to make at least two real good teams.
CR April 14, 1922 – The scholars of Division II. of the public school had a very successful concert on Wednesday afternoon in the schoolroom. the proceeds to be used for the purchase of a basketball. Vice principal Pearce presided and a varied programme was given, including a short play, “Waiting and the Train.” In which fourteen scholars took part. The intake was 19.40, and the scholars fully appreciate the generous patronage of the parents and the good work done by Miss. K. Moore in supervising the putting on of the entertainment.
CR May 5, 1922 – Outdoor basketball is now the rage, and every Sunday afternoon the court it crowded with interested spectators. It is hoped the club will have the first tennis meeting next Monday.
CR November 3, 1922 – At a well-attended meeting of those interested in indoor sports on Tuesday night the Creston Basketball Club was organized, with the following officers: President, Father Bessette; secretary-treasurer, A. Spencer; executive, Messrs. W. Long, Argue and Siddons. The club starts with a membership of fifteen, and permission has been secured to use the main building on the fair grounds in which to play. Baskets, balls and other equipment has been ordered and play will start on its arrival as the building is now being put in shape for the season.
CR November 17, 1922 – The baskets, balls, and other equipment arrival on Saturday and the basketball enthusiasts commenced practices at the fall fair main building on Tuesday night.
CR November 24, 1922 – The basketball season will open tonight (Friday) at 8.15. when the Creston team and a team from the high school will meet. Both outfits are in pretty fair shape and a fine game may be looked for. The game will be played in the fall fair main building, and will be free to all. Everybody turn out and get the winter sport season off to a good start.
CR December 15, 1922 – The town team evened things up at a basketball on Friday night at the fall fair building when they triumphed over the High School five by a score of 20 to 23. Overtime, however, however, had to be played, as at full time honors were even at 20 20.
CR December 5, 1924 – Kaslo has a girls’ basketball league with five teams entered.
CR May 15, 1931 – Basketball has been introduced at Lister school. The equipment was installed and play commenced at the first of the week.
CR February 26, 1932 – Basketball is going strong in town, the latest development being the organization of a league in which the high school is playing two teams. The men and the senior girls use the Park pavilion Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and the school talent works out three afternoons a week.
CR March 4, 1932 – Score tables for School Basketball League and League Basketball.
CR March 11, 1932 – Organize League Direct Basketball
High School, Ladies, Men’s Clubs Represented – E. Marriott is President – High School A and Chums are Week’s Winners
Due to confusion rising out of the use of Park Pavilion the various basketball clubs decided to organize a central body, the Creston Basketball League, to handle their affairs. This league consists of two representatives from each group and is empowered to handle all finances in connection with the Pavilion, to arrange all league games, and to handle all disputes.
CR April 4, 1932 – The basketball championship of the Kootenay Valley will be decided at the Park pavilion on Tuesday night, when the Bonners Ferry and Creston teams meet at 8.30 o’clock, with an admission of 25 cents. Dance after game.
CR April 22, 1932 – Bonners Ferry Wins Basketball
Visitors Triumph be Rather Wide Margin – Have Weight, Height and Greater Experience – Defence is Superb.
“A fast stepping Bonners Ferry aggregation completely swamped the locals in Tuesday night’s basketball feature at the Park pavilion, the final score 51-18. The superior team work and highly developed system of play baffled the inexperienced Creston squad, while the local forwards failed to find a hole in the visitors’ defence.”
CR April 29, 1932 – Basketball 1932 Season Closed
High School ‘A’ Team Champions Both Leagues – Complete Season Unbeaten – Individual Scoring Honor is 44 Tie.
The basketball season came to an end Friday, with High School A winning the final game of the play-off series from the Chums by a score of 22-10 In preliminary games, the Pals defeated High School B by 17-9 and the Centipedes (Seniors) defeated the Millionaires (Intermediates) 36-11.
In the semi finals of the play-offs on Thursday evening the Chms defeated Public School by a score of 21-14.
For the first season, the basketball league feels that it has attained considerable success. Due to the kindness of the village commissioners, Park Pavilion has been made a true community centre. The league has had the use of the hall rent-free, paring light and fuel bills, and installing its own equipment. Two leagues have operated for the ladies, while the men have also made use of the facilities offered. Two teams of ladies, one of men, three high school girls’ teams and one high school boy’s team financed the undertaking. As well as these, two public school teams, boys’ and girls’, and one team of the unemployed young men have had the use of the hall without any expense, the league carrying their costs. In this way well over one hundred individuals have had a healthful and clean winter’s sport.
(different page) The basketball season was wound up with the playoffs at Park pavilion on Thursday night last. The High School A team won both the school and the town league championships, going through the season undefeated.
CR October 14, 1932 – Basketball has come to life in the village and it is expected a meeting will be held in a few days to organize a league in which both the senior and intermediates, as well as high school, will have teams.
CR November 4, 1932 – Ladies Have Five Senior Teams – Men Have Four Senior Aggregations – Playing Talent is Quite Well Distributed.
CR December 30, 1932 – Creston Valley Highlights, 1932
Basketball and badminton experience best year in the sport’s history. Six teams in ladies’ and four in men’s basketball league.
CR January 19, 1934 – Registration has been made of eight players for the ladies team and ten for the men’s squad by the executive of the Creston basketball club in connection with the entry of teams in the East Kootenay league, in which play will commence early in February.
Creston Review, Winners in the Ladies’ Division of the Creston District Basketball League
TOP ROW, left to right – Marion McDonald, forward; Nora Payne, centre; Fred Martello, coach; Ada Lewis, guard; Mrs. R. McKay, forward;
BOTTOM ROW, left to right – Jean Henderson, forward; Mrs. Fred Martello, forward; Mrs. F. Levirs, guard.
(Picture of Creston Review basketball team.)
CR April 6, 1934 – Creston won the East Kootenay ladies’ league basketball championship on Thursday night when the ladies’ rep. Team trimmed Cranbrook to the tune of 32-5 at Park pavilion. In the game at Cranbrook last month Creston lost by a margin of ten points but win the championship by the margin of 16 points. (Kimberley, Cranbrook, and Creston are only towns I’ve seen involved)
CR October 4, 1934 – An interesting development in junior basketball is the news that an inter-school league is to be formed, with games to be played in the afternoons. Entries from Canyon, Erickson, Sirdar, Creston Public and High schools are already in. Such a league will be a welcome addition to school athletics in the Valley.
CR March 1, 1935 – Intermediates Lose
Creston’s entry in the intermediate division of the East Kootenay basketball league got off to a bad start, dropping the opening game to Kimberley, 18-6, at park pavilion on Friday night, before a fair sized crowd. The evening opened with curtain raiser between an all star girls’ squad and Pharmacy, the latter winning 11-4. This game was rather uninteresting throughout as the all star quint. had no practice together and Pharmacy walked over them handily. …
CR November 22, 1935 – … backing both a boys’ and girls’ team in the East Kootenay Intermediate High School Basketball League, which opened the season’s play at Fernie on Saturday. …
CR December 6, 1935 – In the East Kootenay High School Basketball league game at Park pavilion Saturday night there was a good turnout of fans but the games were not up to expectations. …
CR October 16 and 23, 1914 – Asking about getting organized sports started for the youth, basketball included.
CR July 23, 1920 – Newly organized Creston Valley Amateur Athletic Association… and basketball is suggested.
CR November 5, 1920 – (Canyon) The school scholars have been provided with a basketball outfit and are already taking kindly to the game.
CR June 10, 1921 – (Canyon) A meeting was called for Tuesday night at the schoolhouse, under United Farmers auspices, for the purpose of inaugurating basketball for both the boys and girls of the district.
CR February 17, 1922 – Wynndel planning to have basketball during the winter months.
CR March 17, 1922 – (Wynndel) The lady members of the Athletic Club had their first basketball practice on Monday afternoon in the Clubhouse. They had a real good game and there is every indication of them being able to make at least two real good teams.
CR April 14, 1922 – The scholars of Division II. of the public school had a very successful concert on Wednesday afternoon in the schoolroom. the proceeds to be used for the purchase of a basketball. Vice principal Pearce presided and a varied programme was given, including a short play, “Waiting and the Train.” In which fourteen scholars took part. The intake was 19.40, and the scholars fully appreciate the generous patronage of the parents and the good work done by Miss. K. Moore in supervising the putting on of the entertainment.
CR May 5, 1922 – Outdoor basketball is now the rage, and every Sunday afternoon the court it crowded with interested spectators. It is hoped the club will have the first tennis meeting next Monday.
CR November 3, 1922 – At a well-attended meeting of those interested in indoor sports on Tuesday night the Creston Basketball Club was organized, with the following officers: President, Father Bessette; secretary-treasurer, A. Spencer; executive, Messrs. W. Long, Argue and Siddons. The club starts with a membership of fifteen, and permission has been secured to use the main building on the fair grounds in which to play. Baskets, balls and other equipment has been ordered and play will start on its arrival as the building is now being put in shape for the season.
CR November 17, 1922 – The baskets, balls, and other equipment arrival on Saturday and the basketball enthusiasts commenced practices at the fall fair main building on Tuesday night.
CR November 24, 1922 – The basketball season will open tonight (Friday) at 8.15. when the Creston team and a team from the high school will meet. Both outfits are in pretty fair shape and a fine game may be looked for. The game will be played in the fall fair main building, and will be free to all. Everybody turn out and get the winter sport season off to a good start.
CR December 15, 1922 – The town team evened things up at a basketball on Friday night at the fall fair building when they triumphed over the High School five by a score of 20 to 23. Overtime, however, however, had to be played, as at full time honors were even at 20 20.
CR December 5, 1924 – Kaslo has a girls’ basketball league with five teams entered.
CR May 15, 1931 – Basketball has been introduced at Lister school. The equipment was installed and play commenced at the first of the week.
CR February 26, 1932 – Basketball is going strong in town, the latest development being the organization of a league in which the high school is playing two teams. The men and the senior girls use the Park pavilion Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and the school talent works out three afternoons a week.
CR March 4, 1932 – Score tables for School Basketball League and League Basketball.
CR March 11, 1932 – Organize League Direct Basketball
High School, Ladies, Men’s Clubs Represented – E. Marriott is President – High School A and Chums are Week’s Winners
Due to confusion rising out of the use of Park Pavilion the various basketball clubs decided to organize a central body, the Creston Basketball League, to handle their affairs. This league consists of two representatives from each group and is empowered to handle all finances in connection with the Pavilion, to arrange all league games, and to handle all disputes.
CR April 4, 1932 – The basketball championship of the Kootenay Valley will be decided at the Park pavilion on Tuesday night, when the Bonners Ferry and Creston teams meet at 8.30 o’clock, with an admission of 25 cents. Dance after game.
CR April 22, 1932 – Bonners Ferry Wins Basketball
Visitors Triumph be Rather Wide Margin – Have Weight, Height and Greater Experience – Defence is Superb.
“A fast stepping Bonners Ferry aggregation completely swamped the locals in Tuesday night’s basketball feature at the Park pavilion, the final score 51-18. The superior team work and highly developed system of play baffled the inexperienced Creston squad, while the local forwards failed to find a hole in the visitors’ defence.”
CR April 29, 1932 – Basketball 1932 Season Closed
High School ‘A’ Team Champions Both Leagues – Complete Season Unbeaten – Individual Scoring Honor is 44 Tie.
The basketball season came to an end Friday, with High School A winning the final game of the play-off series from the Chums by a score of 22-10 In preliminary games, the Pals defeated High School B by 17-9 and the Centipedes (Seniors) defeated the Millionaires (Intermediates) 36-11.
In the semi finals of the play-offs on Thursday evening the Chms defeated Public School by a score of 21-14.
For the first season, the basketball league feels that it has attained considerable success. Due to the kindness of the village commissioners, Park Pavilion has been made a true community centre. The league has had the use of the hall rent-free, paring light and fuel bills, and installing its own equipment. Two leagues have operated for the ladies, while the men have also made use of the facilities offered. Two teams of ladies, one of men, three high school girls’ teams and one high school boy’s team financed the undertaking. As well as these, two public school teams, boys’ and girls’, and one team of the unemployed young men have had the use of the hall without any expense, the league carrying their costs. In this way well over one hundred individuals have had a healthful and clean winter’s sport.
(different page) The basketball season was wound up with the playoffs at Park pavilion on Thursday night last. The High School A team won both the school and the town league championships, going through the season undefeated.
CR October 14, 1932 – Basketball has come to life in the village and it is expected a meeting will be held in a few days to organize a league in which both the senior and intermediates, as well as high school, will have teams.
CR November 4, 1932 – Ladies Have Five Senior Teams – Men Have Four Senior Aggregations – Playing Talent is Quite Well Distributed.
CR December 30, 1932 – Creston Valley Highlights, 1932
Basketball and badminton experience best year in the sport’s history. Six teams in ladies’ and four in men’s basketball league.
CR January 19, 1934 – Registration has been made of eight players for the ladies team and ten for the men’s squad by the executive of the Creston basketball club in connection with the entry of teams in the East Kootenay league, in which play will commence early in February.
Creston Review, Winners in the Ladies’ Division of the Creston District Basketball League
TOP ROW, left to right – Marion McDonald, forward; Nora Payne, centre; Fred Martello, coach; Ada Lewis, guard; Mrs. R. McKay, forward;
BOTTOM ROW, left to right – Jean Henderson, forward; Mrs. Fred Martello, forward; Mrs. F. Levirs, guard.
(Picture of Creston Review basketball team.)
CR April 6, 1934 – Creston won the East Kootenay ladies’ league basketball championship on Thursday night when the ladies’ rep. Team trimmed Cranbrook to the tune of 32-5 at Park pavilion. In the game at Cranbrook last month Creston lost by a margin of ten points but win the championship by the margin of 16 points. (Kimberley, Cranbrook, and Creston are only towns I’ve seen involved)
CR October 4, 1934 – An interesting development in junior basketball is the news that an inter-school league is to be formed, with games to be played in the afternoons. Entries from Canyon, Erickson, Sirdar, Creston Public and High schools are already in. Such a league will be a welcome addition to school athletics in the Valley.
CR March 1, 1935 – Intermediates Lose
Creston’s entry in the intermediate division of the East Kootenay basketball league got off to a bad start, dropping the opening game to Kimberley, 18-6, at park pavilion on Friday night, before a fair sized crowd. The evening opened with curtain raiser between an all star girls’ squad and Pharmacy, the latter winning 11-4. This game was rather uninteresting throughout as the all star quint. had no practice together and Pharmacy walked over them handily. …
CR November 22, 1935 – … backing both a boys’ and girls’ team in the East Kootenay Intermediate High School Basketball League, which opened the season’s play at Fernie on Saturday. …
CR December 6, 1935 – In the East Kootenay High School Basketball league game at Park pavilion Saturday night there was a good turnout of fans but the games were not up to expectations. …